Thursday, June 2, 2011

Bitter gaurd Fry

  1. Bitter guard – 250g
  2. Green Chilli – 1 TS
  3. Turmeric Powder – ¼ TS
  4. Garlic – 3
  5. Fennel Seeds – ¼ TS
  6. Oil – 3 TS
  7. Salt – To Taste
  1. Cut the bitter guard into thin slices. Crush the garlic and fennel seeds.
  2. In a pan heat 1 TS oil and add the bitter guard and sauté it for 3 minutes. Add little bit water.
  3. Add crushed garlic and fennel seeds, green chilli, turmeric powder and salt.
  4. Cover the pan with lid and cook it in low flame.
  5. When water evaporated, add 2 TS oil and cook it till golden brown.

  1. If you add 1 spoon coconut paste, it will be tastier.

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