Friday, January 28, 2011

Vegetable salad

  1. Carrot  - 2
  2. Cabbage - 1 small cup
  3. Cucumber - 2
  4. Onion copped - 1
  5. Small size Tomato - 1
  6. Pepper - To taste
  7. Lemon juice - to taste
  8. Salt - To taste
  • Grate the cattot and cabbage. Cut the cucumber, tomato into small pieces. Chop the onion finely.
  • Mix all the items in a bowl, add pepper, salt, little bit lemon juice.
  • Finally add the coriander leaves.
Tips on this recipe:
  • Salad is very good for health. It is better take it up in the morning.
  • Add the salad in a chapatti and roll it and give it to your children as a snack.  
  • Top this salad with Dosa.

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