Friday, January 28, 2011

Coconut Milk Fish Kulambu

  1. Sherry Fish – 1 Medium Size
  2. Small Onion – 5
  3. Tomato – 1 Medium Size
  4. Tamarind – 1 small lemon size
  5. Chilli Powder – 2 tsp
  6. Turmeric Power – ¾ tsp
  7. Coconut – 4 tsp
  8. Fennel Seeds – Little bit
  9. Salt – To taste
  10. Oil – 3 tsp
Ingredients for seasoning:
  1. Fenugreek Seeds – ¼ tsp
  2. Curry leaves – 5
Before you cook keep the below things ready:
  1. Soak the Tamarind in water for 15 minutes and extract juice out of it.
  2. Clean the fish and cut into pieces.
  3. Finely chop the small Onions and Tomato.
  4. Grind 1 tsp of coconut with pinch of fennel seeds.  Extract thick coconut milk from the remaining 3 tsp coconut.
  5. In a bowl pour the tamarind juice and add chilli powder, turmeric powder, coconut paste and salt. Mix it well and adjust the ingredients according to your taste.  If this mixture is too thick add water.
  1. In a pan, heat oil and add Fenugreek seeds. When it is golden brown add onion and curry leaves and sauté it for a minute.
  2. When the onion is cooked and tomato and cook it till become soft. 
  3. Now add the tamarind juice which is explained in step 5. Cover the pan with lid. Keep the flame in high.
  4. When it boils, add fish and cook it for 10 minutes in low flame.
  5. Now add coconut milk and cook it in simmer for 5 minutes.  If fish curry is too thin, cook it for some more minutes.
  6. Serve this recipe with plain rice.
  1. In this recipe, I have used Cheri fish. You can add any kind of fish.
  2. Add raw mango into this recipe which will more taste to this recipe.
  3. Skip the coconut milk, if you want a spicy Fish Kulambu.  As tamarind and lot of chilli powder is not good for health, try to use as less as possible.

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